Posts Tagged 'Mirna Funk'

Interview // Mirna Funk. „Finding the Beauty of Contradictions“ // SUPERIOR MAGAZINE
Veröffentlicht am 01. November 2016 (ab Seite 124) // SUPERIOR MAGAZINE November issue // Mirna Funk just published her debut novel „Winternähe“ during the Frankfurt Book Fair we met the great German authoress and talked to her about her Judaism,
16. Februar 2016 /
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Interview // Mirna Funk. „Finding the Beauty of Contradictions“ // SUPERIOR MAGAZINE
Veröffentlicht am 01. November 2016 (ab Seite 124) // SUPERIOR MAGAZINE November issue // Mirna Funk just published her debut novel „Winternähe“ during the Frankfurt Book Fair we met the great German authoress and talked to her about her Judaism,
16. Februar 2016 /
Kommentare deaktiviert für Interview // Mirna Funk. „Finding the Beauty of Contradictions“ // SUPERIOR MAGAZINE