Posts Tagged 'Netflix'
JOAN DIDION – A TEXT IS NOT ENOUGH // Material Magazine Online
Erschienen am 03. November 2017 auf Material Magazine Online. It is the beginning of 2015 when a woman with grey, sleek short hair, an elegant black dress and huge sunglasses became the face of the Céline campaign. A campaign which
12. November 2017 /
Kommentare deaktiviert für JOAN DIDION – A TEXT IS NOT ENOUGH // Material Magazine Online
JOAN DIDION – A TEXT IS NOT ENOUGH // Material Magazine Online
Erschienen am 03. November 2017 auf Material Magazine Online. It is the beginning of 2015 when a woman with grey, sleek short hair, an elegant black dress and huge sunglasses became the face of the Céline campaign. A campaign which
12. November 2017 /
Kommentare deaktiviert für JOAN DIDION – A TEXT IS NOT ENOUGH // Material Magazine Online