Dinner with Strangers | YUN Journal
Dieser Beitrag erschien am 22. Juli 2019 auf YUN Journal. THE WORLD OF PRIVATE DINING AND UNDERGROUND RESTAURANTS.SUPPER CLUBS HAVE BECOME A SYNONYM FOR MODERN DINING. WHAT IS BEHIND THE PHENOMENON AND WHAT MAKES IT SO SPECIAL? WE TOOK A CLOSER LOOK ON THE MENU.Supper clubs have a long tradition. For centuries, supper clubs have brought together people in a sphere of exclusiveness and intimacy. Still their origins are not so clear. Some say the idea was born in London in the 19th century, when a new law forced restaurants and pubs to close shortly after midnight. And so, supper clubs played host to the new home of Bohemia and art. A place for “both ladies and gentlemen of the theatrical and kindred professions” Other sources say that the early times of supper clubs are based in early 20th century America. And they give two very contradictory explanations: Because of the financial crisis and the great depression in the 1930s a dinner at the restaurant had become a luxury. |